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First Demand for social Justice in Our State MALYALI MEMORIAL

Kottayam Reading Room was a center for heated debates on topical issues and matters affecting Social and Cultural life of Citizens. In 1891 there was a great organizational effort made here by eminent leaders of Travancore. It was the discussion and drafting of “Malayali Memorial”, a big movement expressing great objections to the increasing patronage extended by Maharaja of Travancore to Brahmins from Tamilnadu and Karnataka. Almost all high offices were held by them, giving no chance for even erudite citizens from Travancore to get suitable employment. The movement was modelled on the “MalayaliSabha” formed by literary genius C V Raman Pillai in 1896. The new movement in Kottayam drafted the “Malayali Memorial” in Kottayam Public library registering great protest against undue favours given to Tamil Brahmins in official appointments. It was signed by 10,037 persons and presented to the Maharaja on January 1st 1891 demanding immediate corrective action. Leaders of the discussions and drafting were K P SankaraMenon, G P Pillai, Dr. Palpu and Advocate Nidhiri .Thus the first demand for Social Justice in Travancore was raised in Kottayam Reading Room, founded in 1882 by T Rama Rayar and Rev. John Cailey.